Very few schools utilise social media channels as well as they could (or should), but of those that do post regularly...
How many post when they LOSE a sports fixture? Not many.
Why? Because most schools only post when there's something to celebrate.
Whether it's a sporting victory, getting Gold in the UKMT Maths Challenge, or the winners of the Headteacher's Award...
Most schools only think to tell their community about the WINS.
Cue the famous quote about failure.
"I can accept failure, everyone fails at something. But I can't accept not trying" ~ Michael Jordan.
If all we post is success, how does this effect every other student than the #1 fastest, #1 smartest or #1 best artist? How does it affect our tryers?
If we only post when we win, it devalues trying. And failing. Both important and necessary parts of seeking success!
So let's try these out for size...
"Our Year 8 Girls Rugby team lost 24-12 to @MadeupSchool today. Credit to Madeup for a great win! We fought hard and showed incredible teamwork, but lost out to some amazing set-pieces. Looking forward to our next match up!"
"Our Lego-Robotics Club travelled to @ExampleCentre today for the @LegoChampionships. Unfortunately, we didn't make it through the heats this time, but we are so proud of our team for showing ingenuity and dedication. We'll be working on our prototype and be back for more next time!"
You get the idea.
I'm not saying we shouldn't celebrate the wins, but when the losses can say so much about our values, can we really afford not to celebrate the losses too?